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Add volume to your hair with hair biology

Glamour Guide Lisa Richardson

Lisa Richardson is always trying to add volume to her hair now that she's gotten older; Here's her thoughts on how Hair Biology can help.

Hi friends! Our hair changes as we get older…it’s just biology. I am always trying to add volume to my hair. Are you? I’ve had thick hair my entire life and I never in my wildest dreams thought that would change, but guess what. Just like our bodies change as we age, so does our hair. Womp-womp. Thankfully there’s a company that’s addressing the issues of aging hair and now you can add volume to your hair with Hair Biology.

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...Just like our bodies change as we age, so does our hair. Womp-womp.

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We invite you to read the full article on Lisa's website Coast to Coast: Add Volume to Your Hair With Hair Biology

