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Living a vibrant life with healthy shiny hair

Glamour Guide Beth Djalali

Beth Djalali shares her thoughts on living a vibrant life with healthy shiny hair in her article she says:

it’s time to live our best lives, ladies. it’s time to celebrate all things older and bolder. that’s why this blog is dedicated to aging with grace, strength, and beauty. there are so many reasons to celebrate getting older. life lessons have been learned, we’re comfortable in our skin, yet there are always new adventures to embark upon. yes, our skin requires more attention, our bodies definitely need to hit the gym, and our hair has its own special needs, whether it’s thinning or the color has changed. but there’s always a solution to any problem. Hair Biology has devoted an entire hair care line to our demographic. hooray!

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We invite you to read the full article on Beth's website Style At a Certain Age: living a vibrant life with healthy shiny hair from Hair Biology.

